1462. Après avoir maté la révolte de son beau-frère le prince de Viane en 1456, Gaston IV de Foix se trouve en bonne position pour succéder à son beau-père le roi de Navarre, dont il est lieutenant général. Il sert aussi d'intermédiaire dans les négociations entre le nouveau roi de France, Louis XI, et le roi de Navarre. Louis XI veut s'emparer du Roussillon et doit pour cela s'assurer la neutralité du beau-père de Gaston IV: c'est chose faite grâce aux nouvelles révoltes fomentées contre lui, qui servent de plus de prétexte à une intervention armée. En juillet, l'ost royal s'assemble à Toulouse, fort de 700 gendarmes et 1400 archers des compagnies d'ordonnance et 4000 francs-archers, renforcés par 100 hommes d'armes et 800 arbalétriers menés par Gaston en personne...
1462. After having defeated the revolt of his brother in law, the prince of Viane, in 1456, Gaston IV of Foix is in good position to succeed to his father in law, the king of Navarre. He also acts as an intermediary in the negociations between the new king of France, Louis XI, and the king of Navarre. Louis XI wants to take the Roussillon th his spanish foreign, the king of Castilla, and so must obtain Navarre's neutrality: it's done thanks to the new revolts that break out in Navarre, and that act as an excuse for the troopsgathering. In july, the royal ost gathers in Toulouse, strong of 700 ordinance men-at-arms, 1400 ordinance longbowmen and 4000 francs-archers, and joined by 100 men-at-arms and 800 crossbowmen led by Gaston himself...
Here comes my WAB army list:
- 1 general, warhorse, 150 pts
- 6 men-at-arms with musician, standard bearer and leader, 225 pts, in combined unit with:
- 6 demi-lances (coustilliers), 132 pts
-11 dismounted men-at-arms with musician, standard bearer and leader, 213 pts, in combined formation with:
-11 dismounted coustilliers with musician, standard bearer and leader, 99 pts
-25 ordinance longbowmen with stakes, musician, standard bearer and leader, 310 pts
-26 francs-archers with stakes, musician, standard bearer and leader, 139 pts
- 12 crossbowmen with pavise, musician, standard bearer and leader, 159 pts
-11 crossbowmen with pavise, musician, standard bearer and leader, 147 pts
-18 brigandiniers (partisanmen) with musician, standard bearer and leader, 195 pts
-9 handgunners, 90 pts
-9 bidets, 90 pts
-1 light gun, 50 pts
Total 1999 army points and 19 army break points.
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